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Beating the Plastic Tax!

Beating the Plastic Tax!

At the beginning of April this year, we saw the plastic tax come into effect in the UK.

This means that any plastic packaging that has been manufactured or imported in the UK, that contains less than 30% recycled plastic or is predominantly plastic by weight is now taxed at £200 per tonne. Production for plastic packaging has therefore now decreased, to try lead a positive change.

The aim of this tax is to help businesses to think sustainably, which will result in less collected plastic waste, avoiding landfill and incineration. This will affect manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging.

Here are a few things that you can do to reduce your plastic usage and become a more sustainable and eco-friendly business!


Use Plastic Free Alternatives

Plastic free packaging solutions are constantly evolving, so there is less of a demand for plastic packaging. Although plastics are lightweight, durable and helps to keep products secure when being transported, paper-based packaging is better for the environment and can be used in the same way. We know that right now it is difficult to replace every bit of plastic packaging that is used, but making as many changes as you can, will make a big difference.

At Blake, we are proud of our plastic free VITA range, that is driving economic change to using less plastic packaging. Plastic free alternatives include Paper Document Enclosed Wallets, Tri Postal Tubes and Paper Bags that work just as well as the plastic alternative.

Source the most Sustainable Materials

 Sustainably sourced materials may not be the most cost-efficient solution, but it is more desirable by clients and customers. Click here to read more on the price difference! There has been a huge economic shift in the way we think about plastic, as there is a higher demand for sustainably soured and recyclable materials.

The quality of materials in packaging is essential for the trust of products and mailers to survive through the postal journey, and to help to demonstrate the environmental protection movement.

 Eliminate any Packaging Waste

 Another way to reduce plastic consumption is to ensure that your packaging usage is minimal. If you can use less packaging altogether when sending products through the postal journey, then you are reducing less waste altogether. This is positive even if the packaging is 100% recycled and recyclable! This means there is less room in a box for a product to move around and less of a need for plastic protective packaging like bubble wrap, to stop the products from moving inside of the box.

See our range of plastic free products today, and make the change from plastic to recyclable and reusable packaging!

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