At Blake, we are committed to making a difference to the world we live in.
Education, and indeed, literacy, is one cause particularly close to our hearts, as closely linked with letter writing and communication.
Throughout the world, millions of children are suffering lives of poverty, neglect and hardship – something that is largely unrecognised, and so they continue to be denied the necessities of life such as a good education. And through the Blake Foundation, we are seeking to change this, because we believe a good education has the ability to open up a whole new vista of opportunities to those who, without this chance, would have little hope in life.
To enable us to carry out our mission of “Giving Hope Through Education”, the Blake Foundation have partnered with School in a Bag, whose ingenious solution of a SchoolBag contains all the stationery, learning resources and eating utensils a child needs to attend school and learn.
Here we share the story of our SchoolBag donations to a struggling school in Romania…
Blake felt it would be good to support children in need in Romania, as an unequal country with much of the wealth and economic growth focused in the major cities yet high levels of poverty in rural areas.
Identifying the desperately struggling Gulia School in the Suceava County in North-East Romania with the help of a local charity, Te Aud Romania (TAR), we were happy to fund a total of 226 SchoolBags for every child attending the school, which we then assembled as a team. We also donated a soft toy for each child.
The Gulia School is in an area with high unemployment. The building has no running water or electricity, meaning that the classrooms are heated only by a small wood fire, and they had a very limited supply of educational resources.
By donating the bags, we would be providing all the children with equal resources and the same opportunity to learn.
And so on Wednesday 21st November, Tim Browning, our Creative Director, travelled into the country with our partners at School In A Bag, where they collaborated with Te Aud Romania to pay a visit to the school, nestled remotely in the bleak, snowy countryside of Romania.
Once there, they were able to meet the children and hand out the 226 SchoolBags Blake had sponsored and assembled to each child individually – an amazing experience!
Below, Tim shares his thoughts on the visit:
“Our mission is to support social mobility for children by ensuring they have access to the materials they need to learn and be educated. Being able to hand each bag directly to the children was incredible and ensured that every penny invested in this project would have the impact we envisaged. There are millions of children in the world who will never go to school and this will continue to be denied them, unless we can make a difference.”
Watch our video below to see the children receiving their bags!
The teachers at the Gulia School expressed their deep appreciation for the SchoolBags, as a provision that will make their jobs so much easier.
Blake are happy to know that not only will the provision of better learning resources enable each child to receive an improved education, but in the long term, it could help them to get employment, create businesses, and give them and their families a better quality of life in a country where poverty and unemployment levels are high.
Gabriela Popescu, founder of Te Aud Romania - the charity we partnered with to achieve this project - shares her gratitude in the wonderful feedback shown below:
“Blake Envelopes, through their Blake Foundation, is a massive supporter of education and we are grateful for choosing us. We feel like this will be the start of a great partnership. We are, at the same time, thankful to Luke Simon from School in a Bag for making this happen. School in a Bag and TAR have been partners for over 2 years in supporting education in local communities. The presence of Tim Browning and Luke Simon in Romania for the distribution of SchoolBags had a positive impact and offered children a real example of what you can achieve with the right tools and educational support.’’
We hope that we will be able to continue to support children in need with the gift of a SchoolBag. Stay posted!