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Volunteer Recognition Day

Yeovil Sea and Royal Marine Cadets

To celebrate Volunteer Recognition Day, we would like to take a moment to thank Alun Smith our Quality and Compliance Manager here at Blake, for his recent efforts to raise money to fund School Bags through our partner School In A Bag to refugee children of Ukraine.


Alun, a veteran, experienced times similar on his tours in Bosnia and Kosovo. Having witnessed first-hand the effects of a war, the fall out and struggle that the civilian population endure, he was inspired to work with the Yeovil Sea and Royal Marine Cadets to support those in need.


As a unit, they paraded in colours of the Ukraine National Flag and completed a virtual walk, swim, run and cycle the distance from Yeovil to the Ukraine Border, which is a staggering 1622 miles to raise funds. 23 out of a possible 78 cadets took part. For the outstanding efforts, the UMT have also agreed to match all funds raised!


On top of their efforts to raise money to fund school bags for the children of Ukraine, the unit has also collected


Yeovil Sea and Royal Marine Cadets fund raising day


Whilst we wait on the figures to be totted up, we wanted to a huge Thank You to Alun and the team at Yeovilton Cadets for all you have done in support of those in need.

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