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Blake's Container Reaches The Gambia!

Blake's Container Reaches The Gambia!


Last week brought some fresh and very exciting news on our current "Giving Hope Through Education" project...

Over the last few months, both the team at Blake and our partners at School in a Bag have been busy getting together learning materials and schoolroom furniture to help children from a large primary school in the Faraba Banta town located in the Kombo East District in the Western Division of The Gambia - an extremely impoverished area.

schoolroom chairs

Schoolroom chairs, which were amongst the donations of School in a Bag and Blake.

We at Blake are pleased to have sponsored 600 SchoolBags, which contain all the learning materials needed for a whole year of learning, as well as raising a collection of over 600 pairs of shoes, which we hope will improve the lives of poor and needy children in what is one of the most deprived countries in the world.

schoolroom chairs

Classroom desks donated for the children to work on.

To achieve this aim and make it possible for the SchoolBags we donated to reach these impoverished children, Blake have collaborated with the wonderful Ginger and Sol, founders of Skoolz 4 Kids, an incredible Gambian charity which has made an enormous impact on the lives of many, doing everything they can to assist students, families, communities and schools.

Last week, after several long months in transit, the container holding these supplies reached its destination in Faraba Banta, where the donations are being held by Ginger and Sol, who will be overseeing the distribution of these resources to children in need.

Unfortunately, the current lockdown in the country means that this won't be able to take place as soon as we had hoped, but we look forward to sharing more updates soon!

Keep on the lookout...

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